City Administration Introduces Gauss Box for More Efficient Management
The administration of the city of Vrbovsko, located in the Gorski Kotar region, is dedicated to the city’s development.
Faced with challenges in maintaining city properties and communication shortcomings, the city recognized the need for digital transformation.
Implementing the Gauss Box platform has led to improved communication, greater transparency, and more efficient management of city resources.
From Natural Beauty to Modern Technology
Vrbovsko, a city in Croatia’s Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, is renowned for its natural, historical, and cultural landmarks.
The city administration is committed to embracing high technology to benefit its citizens, tourists, and employees.
Vrbovsko is among the first cities to undertake digitalization, integrating a platform for better management of projects and human resources.
Motivation for Modernization
Before digital innovation, the city faced numerous challenges in organizing and maintaining its properties.
The city administration lacked a centralized database containing all relevant information for employees about five key city properties.
Additionally, maintaining these properties, including urgent interventions and repairs, was slowed by a lack of direct contact with utility workers.
Recognizing these challenges, the city of Vrbovsko pursued digital transformation of its public administration services and processes.
A Calmer Life: Gauss Box Platform Enables Quick Response and City Safety
After adapting and implementing the Gauss Box platform into the city's system, city employees underwent thorough training to maximize its benefits.
Gauss Box enabled centralized management of information, documents, photographs, and other relevant data about city properties in one place. Additionally, improved communication among city administration members ensured better maintenance of city properties.
With quick access to information and efficient allocation of municipal workers through Gauss Box, damage in the city can be repaired faster, simplifying and enhancing the management of city resources.
“The city of Vrbovsko now has a tool that not only improves daily operations but also prepares us better for future challenges.”
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