EU funds 2024. – Tenders for entrepreneurs

Josip Svoboda
/ 09 Feb 2024
  • Novosti

EU funds offer entrepreneurs financial support, encourage innovation and research, facilitate access to new markets, and promote education and professional training. They also provide expert advice, mentorship, encourage environmentally and socially responsible business practices, and foster the establishment of business partnerships.
Through various programs, entrepreneurs can enhance their business operations, increase competitiveness, and contribute to sustainable development.

Grants for entrepreneurs are provided through:

  • The National Recovery and Resilience Plan 2021-2026
  • The Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027

Below is a list of expected calls for tender application expected tender opportunities for public entities in 2024, for which we can offer our services as a contractor.

1. Strengthening Strategic Partnerships for Innovation in the Process of Industrial Transition

Start date: February 1, 2024

Application deadline: June 5, 2024

Total grant amount: EUR 100,000,000.00

Minimum grant amount per applicant: EUR 500,000.00

Maximum grant amount per applicant: EUR 3,000,000.00

Support intensity: from 25% to 85%

Tender objective: To direct support towards research and development projects (industrial research, experimental development, and feasibility studies) and the development of technological infrastructure for the purpose of priority niches development grouped in regional value chains within the S3 framework theme areas.

Eligible applicants: A legal entity or physical person designated as the holder of the SPIN consortium by a Consortium Agreement, which is a micro, small, medium, or large enterprise located in the Pannonian, Northern, and Adriatic regions of Croatia.

Eligible project activities:

  • Research and development activities
  • Investment activities in testing and experimentation infrastructure

Ineligible project activities:

  • Basic research (TRL 1)
  • TRL 9

2. Digitalization Vouchers

Start date: March 1, 2024

Total grant amount: EUR 3,318,070.00

Support intensity: up to 60%

Tender objective: To encourage SME investments focused on implementing digitalization and digital business transformation through training and services to improve digital skills (including those related to cloud technologies), digital transformation strategies, digital marketing, enhancing cyber resilience with system security checks, and the application of complex digital solutions.

Eligible applicants: Legal entities or physical persons, namely micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises with at least 1-3 employees.

Business digital transformation vouchers:

  • Voucher for improving digital skills
  • Voucher for developing a digital transformation strategy
  • Voucher for complex digital solutions
  • Voucher for cyber resilience diagnosis
  • Voucher for digital marketing

For more information visit our previous blog Digitalization vouchers.

3. Innovation Vouchers

Start date: The tender is expected to open on January 15, 2024

Total grant amount: EUR 4,873,214.00

Support intensity: up to 85%

Tender objective: Development of innovative products and services, and transfer of technology resulting from research and development projects.

Eligible applicants: Small, micro, and medium-sized enterprises.

Activities eligible for financing: Provision of expert support by scientific research organizations of Digital Innovation Hubs and other previously approved service providers to SMEs for testing, experimentation, demonstration activities, as well as the use of professional technical knowledge for innovative processes and the commercialization of innovations.

4. Innovations in Newly Established SMEs

Start date: September 30, 2024

Total grant amount: EUR 14,622,642.00

Support intensity: 72%

Tender objective: To develop advanced products in industries within S3 (so-called smart specialization strategy) priority areas.

Eligible applicants: Micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises.

Activities eligible for financing: Support for investment readiness for companies up to 5 years old and at technology readiness levels – TRL 5-8. This includes upgrading, designing, performance verification, market validation, testing, development of pilot lines, intellectual property protection, and external services focused on the development of an innovative idea (product, process, service, etc.), as well as training for mitigating and assessing the financing needs risks.

5. Targeted Scientific Research

Start date: December 1, 2024

Total grant amount: EUR 24,371,069.00

Support intensity: 70%

Tender objective: To support collaborative industrial research projects conducted in cooperation between companies and research organizations and to encourage the creation of long-term relationships and cooperation among consortium members that would continue beyond the implementation of supported projects.

Eligible applicants:

  • Research organizations, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, consortia composed of research organizations and companies.
  • Large enterprises are eligible as project partners provided that at least one SME is included in the consortium.

Eligible tender activities:

  • Conducting research.
  • Knowledge and technology transfer.
  • Intellectual property verification and protection.
  • Dissemination of project results and visibility
  • Project management and other necessary activities for project implementation.


As a reliable partner and experienced contractor, we are at your disposal to help you participate in the aforementioned tenders.

Don't miss the opportunity to realize business possibilities and contact us today to develop a strategy together and ensure your successful application.


If you are interested in all the other expected tenders for 2024, download the tender brochure from our partner Recupero.