Medically Confirmed: Separating Fact from Fiction with a Digital Health Portal

Tihana Rajnović
/ 26 Jun 2024
  • Showcase

Rigorous Verification of Media Articles Under Expert Supervision

The Faculty of Medicine in Osijek not only educates future doctors and medical professionals but also serves as a regional hub for science and medical research.

As a leader in health-focused projects, they identified a critical gap: the lack of online spaces for the professional verification of health and medical information found in the media.

The creation of a dedicated platform for fact-checking health information improved the health literacy of Croatian citizens and provides a reliable source of medically important facts.

Short History, Big Impact

Although the youngest faculty in Croatia, the Faculty of Medicine Osijek is a significant scientific research center and the founder and publisher of the Southeastern European Medical Journal.

Their continuous investment in modern laboratories and participation in numerous Croatian, European, and international projects demonstrates their strong commitment to public health.

To inform and protect Croatian citizens, they initiated an EU project to develop a portal for fact-checking media information in the field of health and medicine.


Alternative Facts, Falsehoods, Misinformation, and Disinformation

The spread of medically questionable and false information, along with the widespread availability of partial and incorrect information online, poses a significant challenge to public health.

Sensationalist misinformation often spreads faster than accurate facts, so how do we protect the health of citizens?

Recognizing this problem, the Faculty of Medicine Osijek, in collaboration with the Agency for Electronic Media and media partners, launched the project Medically Confirmed to combat disinformation.


Verified Medical Facts Accessible to Everyone Through a User-Friendly Portal

To ensure a positive impact, we created a modern, user-friendly design that allows easy navigation of medically verified facts.

The developed portal enables easy viewing of reviewed articles, project news, updates from the project leader and partners, radio segments, and an option to submit articles for verification.

As the first Croatian portal of this nature, it promotes the education of citizens and media professionals through newly developed methodologies and a handbook for verifying health information.

Numerous experts, one platform, 100% accurate information that is easily updated using the Gauss Box CMS system.

Project Information

Beneficiary: Faculty of Medicine Osijek, J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek
Partners: Radio Slavonija, Radio 92, Multiple Sclerosis Society of Brod-Posavina County, Diabetes Protection Society of Osijek
Approved Funds: €199,076.83
Project Duration: 24 months (August 21, 2023 - August 31, 2025)

Verified and Confirmed Facts


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